Thursday 9 May 2013

 Rekomendasi Asuransi dan Investasi 

Tabungan INVESTASI membantu anda sekeluarga menyiapkan dana untuk pendidikan anak, dana pensiun, untuk kebutuhan financial di masa depan dengan menyisihkan Rp 17.000 / hari untuk mendapatkan dana pendidikan atau nilai tunai untuk anda sekeluarga, perlindungan kesehatan sampe usia 75 tahun, fasilitas rawat inap / ICU dll.

Kelebihan Asuransi Commonwealth Life:
1. Satu2nya Perusahaan Asuransi Asing yang mempunyai Kantor Bank di Indonesia, Bank Commonwealth.
2. Jenis penyakit kritis yang di cover salah satu 53 jenis penyakit.
3. Pembayaran klaim cepat maks 14 hari kerja.
4. Memiliki 12 penempatanAlokasi dana, 2 berbasis Syariah.
5. Klaim kematian di bayar 100% sejak tahun pertama.
6. Ada fasilitas NO CLAIM BONUS.
7. Ada fasilitas Deposit Ekses Claim
8. Ada fasilitas INFLATION LINK, UP meningkat mengikuti kenaikan Inflasi setiap Tahun.
9. Ada 2 manfaat Medika cashplan/cashless (bisa double claim).
10. Ada bonus Nilai Investasi dengan pertumbuhan antara 6 s/d 18 % per tahun.
11. Perlindungan jiwa dan Nilai Investasi s/d  Usia 99 tahun.
12. Masa menabung 10 tahun atau mau yang 1 x bayar (single premi) juga bisa.
13. Cara bayar bisa tahunan, 6 bulan, 3 bulan atau bulanan.
14. Pembayaran mudah bisa autodebet BCA, BRI, Mandiri dan semua bank penerbit kartu kredit.
15. Usia masuk mulai dari usia 15 hari s/d 70 tahun.
16. Jenis Produk:
      => Asuransi Income Protection
      => Asuransi Pendidikan
      => Asuransi Kesehatan
      => Asuransi Dana Hari Tua
      => Asuransi Untuk Ibadah Haji
      => Asuransi Khusus Investasi
 Indo lebih lanjut hubungi : Arsya (Executive Financial Consultant) 085781374074
                                        email :

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Thank God for everything

Assalamualaikum .. finally i wrote on the blog again. What's on your mind hears the word "Thesis"? Final project in college, hard, look for the data, with the guidance of thesis supervisor, filed a thesis title, and others. Due on campus I can not choose to be a mentor faculty thesis, so I prayed a lot to God so that a good coach, because I do not know who the lecturer who loves to complicate students who are taking thesis. I filed two (2) title of the first essay about EFFECT OF WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY PROFITABILITY IN BEI (EMPIRICAL STUDY OF MANUFACTURING COMPANIES LISTED IN INDONESIA STOCK EXCHANGE YEAR 2008-2010) and the title of the second of ISLAMIC INFLUENCE BOND ISSUANCE (SUKUK) COMPANY OF MARKET REACTION (empirical Study on the Indonesia Stock Exchange on companies - companies that issue Islamic bonds in 2009-2011) and received the title of the first title. Announcement thesis supervisor is still two weeks .. let's wait and pray gets good coach: D,, two weeks later finally came out the names of the student and his thesis supervisor in the paste on the notice board. Anyone know who my thesis supervisor? hehe ..

As a result I do not use the title of my thesis about profitability but ask the title of the VAT to the lecturers,, thank God been allowed. If my supervisor said that menting you understand about the thesis that you do and can you explain and collect a minimum of seven books to support the additional data.